Monday, August 15, 2011

Being Motivated

Doesn't everyone want to be motivated? Do the Laundry, Wash the dog, Go to the Doctor. A frightening place, the doctor. And there are so many. You start life nice and easy: Pediatrician. Easy enough, you get horrifying shots and poked and prodded all the live-long day. Then you get older. Maybe you play sports. Now you have your general physician AND a sports medicine guy (I say guy only because I have seen men for my Sport Medicine docs). Good enough, he generally only takes X-Rays as long as you don't abuse yourself too much.

Then you need glasses. Helllloooooooo Optometrist. My you get really closet to my face. But OH! Not as close as the Dentist and your Orthodontist! Sheesh. So by 18 you've had at least 5 doctors. Lets add a few more shall we? Dermatologist for that bad skin that you though would clear up by your 20s but only seems to be getting worse..... then there is the Lady Mechanic for the luck women of the planet who choose someone through a random process to pop open your hood and check you out.

Now, here is where motivation becomes a downer. SO MANY doctors to see! You would think that there would be one person who could take care of your woes... but no! You have to see nearly more doctors than you have hands. What is the driving force to do so? I like to think that there are many millions--perhaps billions of people who have successfully gone to the doctor and lived to tell the tale, but I seem to be the type that always has something wrong with me. So then they all jump to the knife. The surgeon who would gets his/her jollies off of seeing your insides splayed out on their table. *Note: I have only undergone a Wisdom Teeth removal but I feel that most surgeons want inside you like a parasitic alien*

So why, despite my husband's pleas, comments, and that one time where I had to do it before he married me, do I put off the inevitable? I just don't have any motivation to go. The rationale being that OK, say I don't go to the doctor, and I miss my tetanus shot. I don't do anything outdoors on a normal basis so my chances of stepping on that rusty old nail (yes I've done that) are pretty slim. I've managed not to step on one since I was about 10. So I miss getting felt up by a person whom I see every year (or in my case 4 years), I think I am making out OK.

But no, nagging guilt and this propensity to do right by myself and my family (including future babies) makes me driven to pick up the phone and make those terrible appointments, most likely putting myself through physical and emotional pain, just so that the physician can say in the end, "Well we were taking every precaution."

Blargity. Here's to motivation.

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